Speaking of New Goals

Speaking of New Goals

It’s January! That inevitably means a lot of chatter by the proverbial (and actual) water cooler about New Year resolutions and goal-setting for 2025. There’s even been some conversation at ACE around “25 in 2025” – the idea being to enhance personal growth by trying twenty-five new things in 2025. (Cool idea, but ambitious as heck!)

All this got us thinking about ways in which our ACE community, or stuff related to our coworking space, might support our members with their goals. Maybe our list can also help to inspire YOU to try something new.

 So here we go, in no special order of importance: 12 goals to help our members expand their horizons this year….

1 – JOIN IN.

Promise yourself to try an ACE monthly activity that you’ve never participated in before, whether ACE Book Talk, Meditation Mornings, Member Lunch Out… or whatever activity has the potential to float your boat!


Pick up one of the inspiring books from either of our ACE libraries. (There is a sign-out sheet for borrowing books, one at each location.) Maybe even commit to reading one per month or one per quarter? We really enjoyed Atomic Habits during our ACE Book Talk last year… a perfect read if you’re focussed on self-improvement.


If you work at ACE, plan to take regular walk breaks on the beautiful Lake Ontario boardwalk. After all, it’s just steps from your desk! It could be a daily, weekly, or even monthly commitment. (Something is better than nothing.) If you’re a virtual member, find a pretty walking route in your neighbourhood to enjoy.


Be inspired by our commitment to 4Ocean and support a cause that you care about this year. And do it in an actionable way. Some of the other NFP’s we support at ACE Coworking, whether via sponsorships or donations, include Oakvillegreen, Bandology, Fare Share Food Bank, and the Oakville Film Festival (aka OFFA) – they all need volunteers and/or funding!

 5 – SPEAK UP.

Make 2025 the year that you step up to a public speaking opportunity. It might even be something small-scale right here at ACE: how about volunteering to lead an ACE Book Talk or host one of our expert-led Lunch & Learns?


Make yourself a promise to meet at least one new ACE member a month in 2025. As of January, there are 166 amazing individuals in our diverse community! Reach out: you never know where these relationships may take you.


Try a restaurant in Downtown Oakville that you’ve never been to. We know you have your favourites, but branch out this year! ACE Coworking is surrounded by fabulous options. Bonus points for trying an international cuisine you have never tried. (Don’t forget to use your neighbourhood BIA discount card, which you’re entitled to if you have a Hot Desk, Dedicated Desk or Private Office Plan at ACE!)

 8 – DO MORE #IRL.

Make a commitment to meeting your employees and/or coworkers in person more often. (IRL = “in real life”) There’s nothing like a face-to-face collaboration that takes place in real time, and in person. Our many conference rooms and day offices are fully equipped with whiteboards and other useful GADGETS. Our fabulous Firebat coffee is free. We’re ready for your team!


We all want to be more organized and efficient, but we often fall short. Maybe you need a new tool to get you on track? For example, ACE members, The FlipSide, have created an excellent planner just in time for the new year. It’s more than just a tool—it’s a starting point for meaningful change with scientifically-proven health and productivity strategies. Or find a journal, tool, or planner that works for you!

 10 – CREATE.

Even if you don’t identify as an “artist” why not try your hand at drawing, painting, artsy photography, sculpture, or other crafty project? You don’t even need to show it to anyone, just do it for you. It can be quite meditative and spark ideas for creativity in other parts of your life. Need inspiration? Tour around either of our coworking spaces, which are filled with vibrant artworks by local artists.

11 – INVEST.

Is it time to invest in yourself and your business by upgrading your membership plan or maybe even claiming a private office? Go for it! We have a few offices coming up soon – one is really budget-friendly and another is a deluxe multi-windowed corner unit.


Yes, right upstairs on the 2nd floor of ACE Robinson, you will find the Oakville Chamber of Commerce! The Chamber team is warm, welcoming, professional, and fantastic at supporting businesses of every size and type. They host countless networking and educational events, most of them free to Acers, so why not make a goal to attend at least one or two this year?

 Wishing you a wonderful 2025, full of new possibilities and adventures!

If you’d like to get more inspiration and education from the staff and partners of ACE Coworking, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll also stay up to date on the events we run and the amazing promotions we often offer!

ACE Celebrates Small Businesses!

ACE Celebrates Small Businesses!

By Nancy Fornasiero

October is Small Business Month in Ontario. At ACE Coworking, we like to use it as a time to both look forward to the opportunities that are in front of our company and look back on the successes and challenges we have experienced. One of the best parts of operating a coworking space is that we can amplify this by leaning on the experiences of our members too.

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely road to travel sometimes, but you don’t have to do it alone (and you certainly shouldn’t). A little advice and support can go a long way to helping you travel the steep mountains and deep valleys on the road to being your own boss.

This year, we asked some of our entrepreneur-members a simple but powerful question: “What do you wish you knew when you were just starting your business that you do know now?” We got some valuable feedback and hopefully their answers can help you and your business, even if you are not in start-up.

From Katherine Vellinga, CEO, Zirkova Vodka

 “You can’t plan for everything. I now realize that some of my biggest opportunities have come from the most unlikely places.”

 From Shez Mehra, owner, The 194 Group

“At the outset I didn’t understand that solutions to business problems require looking a little deeper. Whatever is on the surface isn’t usually the real problem.”

From Ravi Kulkarni, principal, RKCS

“When talking to prospective clients I wish I’d known to get to the answer quicker. Too often a lot of time and effort was spent in the sales cycle when the answer was always going to be a “no” anyway. Coming to that realization sooner would have allow me more time to properly strategize as well as allocate our time and resources more efficiently.”

From Gail Kaufman, independent consultant (J Gail Kaufman Advisory & Consulting)

“Being in totally uncharted territory is okay. And feeling that you don’t know exactly what you’re doing is okay. Part of the journey is to just keep putting one foot in front of the other.”

From Moatassem Moatez, CEO & Founder MyCourier

“Business doesn’t move in a straight line, so don’t make the mistake of getting married to your plan. Also, something I’ve learned along the way is the importance of reframing obstacles. Even the biggest problems sometimes lead to solutions and opportunities that can help you.”

From Jon Root, Creative Director & Founder, Look Local Magazine and Treehouse Creative Agency

“Believe that when you really go ‘all in’ you will find a way to meet every challenge. The hard work is worth it and, in the end, it will pay off.”

If you’d like to get more inspiration and education from the staff and partners of ACE Coworking, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll also stay up to date on the events we run and the amazing promotions we often offer!

ACE Coworking Loves Podcasts!

ACE Coworking Loves Podcasts!

By Nancy Fornasiero

Imagine if there were a day to celebrate the magic of podcasting and the incredible voices that make it all possible? Well, it already exists: it’s called International Podcasting Day and it’s marked every year on September 30.

Why So Popular?

Listening to podcasts is like having a best friend who’s always got something interesting to share. Covering everything from thrilling true-crime stories to deep dives into cool science discoveries to personal storytelling, there’s a podcast for everyone. Some of our favourites here at ACE Coworking are educational ones hosted by business leaders, marketing experts, or thought leadership gurus.

Whatever type you enjoy, I’m sure you’ll agree that the best thing about podcasts is that you can tune in from almost anywhere – during your commute, while sweating it out at the gym, or simply while cooking dinner or doing household chores.

Podcasts are no longer just a niche pastime, by the way. As of 2023 the number of podcast listeners worldwide has reached almost 500 million!

How to Choose a Podcast?

With over 5 million podcasts to tune into, offering a mind-boggling range of topics and voices, it can be hard to decide which one to choose. Start by asking your friends and coworkers which podcasts they enjoy – here at ACE Coworking, whether by the water cooler or over a lunch break, we’re always suggesting favourites to one another.

Speaking of which, I’d like suggest a few gems that might not yet be on your radar…

 Members of The Chamber 

If you like to know “what’s going on around town” then this podcast, produced by The Oakville Chamber of Commerce, is for you. The interviews help us as listeners learn about local industry, grow our networks, and feel more connected to the community in which we live and work.

As founder/operator of ACE, I was interviewed on the most recent episode of “Members of the Chamber.” I got to talk about the genesis of ACE, the coworking industry in general, and what makes our community at ACE unique. (Shout-outs were extended to several of our partners and members, so if you belong in that category be sure to tune in!)

Let’s Talk About Wellness & Talent

Lifestyle entrepreneur and coach, Che Marville, is a long-time ACE member, and a woman with an amazing network of fascinating professionals. Thanks to these relationships she has no shortage of interviewees for her episodes, which often motivate and inspire with their focus on the topics of wellness and talent. Che self-describes as being “dedicated to advancing holistic well-being and fostering inclusive dialogues.” If you’re interested in topics of personal growth, check it out here. (Pro tip: In Season 1 Episode 50, you’ll learn more about ACE Co-founder, Mark Fornasiero.)

Consulting Mastery

If you’re a B2B consultant of any kind, this one’s for you. Hosted by ACE members, Ahmad Munavar and Karie Miller, this podcast (also on video on YouTube) features an engaging back-and-forth banter with these two whip-smart experts from Boutique Growth Agency, AKA “The 90 Day Pipeline.” They invite you to join them to “explore the art of delivering outstanding client value, earning a higher income, and thriving in today’s marketplace.” (Hint: I really loved recent episode #8 called “You’re Not in Control.” If you also have control freak tendencies, be sure to check it out.) 

ACE’s New Podcast Room

Since so many of our members are involved in creating podcasts – as well as making and delivering webinars, online courses, YouTube videos, etc. – we decided to set up a dedicated room for all this to happen conveniently, professionally, and in style! The good news for you is that we are also renting out to the public. We even have an in-house videographer if you need professional support for recording, filming or editing your finished product. Contact us by email (info@acecoworking.ca) or by text (289-801-8731) to learn more.

So, for International Podcasting Day, how about joining us in the celebration? Tune into one of the above, or explore a new podcast that you’ve been meaning to get to. Let’s honour the voices that have made this medium a global sensation, shaping the way we learn, share, and connect with one another. ?

If you’d like to get more inspiration and education from the staff and partners of ACE Coworking, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll also stay up to date on the events we run and the amazing promotions we often offer!

The Scoop on Coffee in the Office

The Scoop on Coffee in the Office

One the things our members love most about the ACE Office “freebies” is our excellent coffee from Oakville’s Firebat Coffee Roasters. But some of us hit the café area with more frequency and urgency than others. It got us wondering: is there such a thing as too much of a good thing when it comes to caffeination?

We decided to check in with our resident health & wellness experts at the The FlipSide to explain the pros and cons. 

The Good News

You may think that the biggest benefit of drinking coffee is the jolt of energy it gives you, but did you know it also provides a nice dose of fibre and a boost to your cells?

According to Dr. Tim Spector, a cup of coffee has more fibre than a glass of orange juice (1.5 gm per cup of coffee vs 0.7 gm in same amount of OJ.). For many adults, coffee represents the main source of dietary fibre. The recommended daily intake is 28 grams of fibre, but definitely don’t drink 18 cups to get there!

The main source of nutrients for your gut bacteria is found in fibre, so your morning cup can be a very good thing – especially when you consider the fact that coffee is rich in a particular type of fibre that highly specialized microbes in your gut feed on exclusively.

Coffee also has a high concentration of polyphenols: compounds found in plants that impact our health positively. They play a major role in giving plants colour, favour, and micronutrients. Consuming plants high in polyphenols protects us against heart disease, regulates blood sugar, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, and slows the visible signs of aging.

Caffeine Fix vs Decaf

In nature, caffeine is an insect repellent created by plants for self-protection. In humans, caffeine acts as a psychoactive stimulant drug by activating an adrenaline delivery system to help enhance alertness, focus, concentration, and mental and physical performance. It takes 20 minutes to feel the jolt, and 5 to 7 hours to feel the crash once 50% of the caffeine has worn off. Key point? Caffeine does definitely affect your brain and nervous system.

If you enjoy coffee but don’t want caffeine, decaf is an option. However, beware: “decaffeinated” does not mean “non-caffeinated.” The most effective processes can remove up to 99% of the caffeine, but many products still have an active range of 3-10% caffeine.

The quid about decaf is that if you want to get the benefits of the coffee bean (fibre and polyphenols), but less caffeine, seek high-quality coffee. Decaffeination changes the density of the bean, rendering a darker and shiny look. Decaf also goes stale more quickly; experts suggest buying decaf in beans and grinding it yourself. Decaf is nearly as healthy if polyphenols are retained, but more research is needed given that current studies lack big numbers.

Coffee and Sleep

Two factors determine your wake-sleep cycle. One is circadian rhythm. The second – the important when we consider coffee – is what Dr. Matt Walker calls sleep pressure. It goes like this: upon waking, sleep pressure molecules start building in our brains. If unaltered, this continues to happen naturally for 12 to 16 hours, building natural fatigue which later in the day will put us to sleep. (This is part of the melatonin release process.) Caffeine has the power to artificially pause and modify this natural brain pattern.

Let’s explain with an example. Imagine your brain is a large empty theatre. Every morning, upon waking, the theatre opens its doors and sleep pressure molecules start coming in, slowly, occupying the seats, one by one. After a coffee, the theatre doors slam shut: no more sleep pressure molecules can enter to take a seat. But here’s the thing: sleep pressure is still lined up outside, waiting. While the doors are closed, you feel like a star on stage, performing full of energy and focus… until about 5 to 7 hours later when the caffeine starts to wear off. What happens then? The doors reopen and a crowd of sleep pressure molecules crash into the theatre, all at once. This is what we all know as the “caffeine crash.” This is also the moment when we think: “Oh, I need another coffee!”

And the process starts all over again.

What happens when we drink coffee later in the afternoon? At night, while trying to prep dinner or fall into a deep sleep, you get the crash of all those molecules trying to take their seats. If asleep, you may or may not wake up, but your brain will start a party for sure. Your sleep cycle will be interrupted, and you’ll wake the next morning fatigued feeling like you desperately need… a cup of coffee!

Moral of the Story

Coffee in and of itself is not a bad thing, in moderation. But beware if it’s become a crutch to make up for a lack of energy or continuous poor sleep, or the boost needed to hustle against time regardless of what your body is telling you. In the words of Dr. Spector: “if coffee damages your sleep, then all the benefits are irrelevant.”

Keen to learn more? Check out:

Podcast with Dr. Tim Spector: Is coffee healthy?

TedTalk with Matt Walker: How Caffeine Affects Your Sleep

Subscribe to The FlipSide newsletter or follow them @TheFlipSidePlan

ACE Coworking members, Rosana Fernandez and MV Anzola, are the co-founders of The FlipSide Plan. They are credentialed professional coaches known for designing, managing and delivering top-notch corporate wellness workshops and programs on health and productivity. Follow ACE Coworking & The FlipSide Plan on social media to stay up-to-date on our regular co-hosted Lunch & Learn Workshops, which you are welcome to attend!


If you’d like to get more inspiration and education from the staff and partners of ACE Coworking, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll also stay up to date on the events we run and the amazing promotions we often offer!

Gift Books for Entrepreneurs and Creatives

Gift Books for Entrepreneurs and Creatives

It’s that gift-giving time of year. Are you scratching your head as you stare at your list? Out of ideas? A great book is always a good option, whether for a coworker, friend or family member – and if you buy from a local bookseller, so much the better!

We’ve decided to help you out by interviewing some of the most avid readers in our ACE Coworking community. We asked for their recommendations for the best books for creatives and entrepreneurs. Here you go…

Essentialism, by Greg McKeown

“Do you have friends who always answer ‘super busy’ when you ask ‘how are you?’ This gift is for them. In this amazing book, McKeown explores the conflicts of identifying what is actually essential in a world full of things to-do. It provides effective solutions for anyone who feels that 24 hours are not enough!” 

– María Virginia Anzola: Co-founder, The FlipSide Plan

The Surrender Experiment, by Michael Singer 

“This is not your typical business/entrepreneurship book. Of course, there is the requisite story of how Singer built a billion-dollar public software company from scratch. But the real impact comes from the author’s spiritual awakening and willingness to let life’s flow help determine his business decision-making. Throughout, he demonstrates how a very successful external life is perfectly consistent with achieving profoundly deep states of inner peace and freedom.”

– Mark Fornasiero, Meditation & Business Coach 

Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert

“This is the book I read and re-read regularly, talk about too much, and think about often. It’s about creativity, but it’s also about a philosophy of living. It inspires me to move beyond fear and see my life as a creative adventure guided by my curiosity. Anyone I’ve ever gifted it to feels the same way.”

– Diliana Popova: Copywriter/Founder,  Spell Book 

The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle

“We are either living in the memories of the past, or worries of the future. In both cases we attract the emotions of these thoughts, which eventually affect the present moment. The Power of Now tackles the idea of how to live in the moment and stop worrying about the future or regretting the past. This transformative book has actionable strategies to start living in the present – everyone should read it!”

– Moatassem Moatez: CEO, MYCourier Inc.

Play Bigger, by Lockhard, Ramadan, Maney & Peterson

“If you have a true entrepreneur or innovator in your life, then I’d recommend Play Bigger. Written for those who want to build legendary and enduring companies. (Yes, we’re talking about companies like Apple, Salesforce, Blackberry…) The authors teach about the new discipline of “category design” for companies that are creating new market demand for products or services where none existed before, and show how to keep those customers wanting more. The Kindle version is great so you can easily highlight and download the numerous insights scattered throughout this book.”

– Rina Carlini: CEO, Optimal Innovation Group

Who Moved My Cheese?, by Spencer Johnson, M.D. 

“This book has been around forever, but is still a classic. I’ve given it many times, and there’s even a version called Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens, which I’ve gifted to my own kids. It applies not only to career situations, but also to the ups and downs of life itself. How will you react to the inevitable changes you’ll face on your journey? In this enlightening parable, Spencer describes 4 types of “mice” who are challenged in various ways – any reader is sure to identify with one (or more) of them. Bonus: it’s a quick read!” 

– Kevin Palmer: CFO, Greywolf Animal Health 

If you’d like to get more inspiration and education from the staff and partners of ACE Coworking, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll also stay up to date on the events we run and the amazing promotions we often offer!

Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals

Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals

Coworking is great because so many diverse professionals and experts gather under one roof! We often invite our member-experts to share their knowledge during our informative Lunch & Learn series so we can all learn from one another. Most recently The FlipSide Plan presented to us on the topic of Time Management. They offered us all sorts of great tips at that session, but perhaps the most useful was their advice on establishing “Opening and Closing Routines.”

contributed by Maria Virginia Anzola

Time, time… we all need more time!

In households with small children, getting ready for school takes a lot of time. (Teenagers might take even longer sometimes!) In afternoons, parents are often like glorified chauffeurs with so many extracurriculars in the mix. Then comes homework support, pet care, cook – eat – clean-up, plus preparation for the next day still needs to happen. Phew.

Even without the responsibilities of family life, the demands of a workday can add up. Whether it’s due to long commutes, endless meetings, or unexpected snafus, rushing about becomes our norm and “I’m swamped” becomes the regular answer to “How are you?”

Planning is Everything

When we wake up without a set morning routine and rush to get to work or scramble to get kids to school, we are very likely to arrive at our desk, open our computer and dive headlong into emails without a plan. This is how our days become chaotic. Similarly, at the end of the workday, when computers are abruptly shut down and today’s problems are left for tomorrow, we have a hard time relaxing in the evening and winding down. Winding down is so very important for our mental health and optimal performance. We want to avoid bringing our work home as much as possible!

Is there a solution? Absolutely.

Magic of an Opening Routine

The first thing we recommend to our clients is to create an “opening routine.” This is not the same as a “morning routine” –– rather it’s a plan created specifically for the start of your workday. Each of us will have specific activities for that routine depending on our jobs and workstyles, but here are some ideas:

  • Start by opening your planner (if you have one) or your computer calendar. Review your to-do list, which should have been written the night before. (More on that later.)
  • Check your emails but don’t reply to any of them.
  • Read emails and identify which need immediate attention and which can wait.
  • Mark those that you won’t address as “unread.” (We love to use this technique to make sure we don’t lose them in our busy inbox.)
  • Check your scheduled meetings, appointments, calls so you can fully visualize your day.

Once all this is done you can get started! It’s a short and sweet routine: 5, 10, or 20 minutes. There’s no magic number. The important part is to block this time in your calendar, so that you’re not required to go into a meeting or a call. This is a morning routine for work purposes – respect the boundary!

Let’s remember that life happens. Having an “opening routine” doesn’t guarantee your day will always go as planned. But having a routine to follow at the beginning of your workday will provide you with clarity on what you can expect from your day. This way, even if things derail at some point, you’ll have a solid plan to return to once the chaos is over.

Closing Routine: Must-Do

The next tool we absolutely depend on for calm and sanity is the “closing routine.” Why is it so important to wellness? Because the unfinished tasks of our workday claim the mind’s attention during the evening, affecting how we rest or sleep. It’s called the “Zeigarnik effect,” named for the early 20th-century psychologist who studied this phenomenon.  

Avoiding the Zeigarnik effect is simple: at some point well before bedtime, take 10 to 20 minutes to set up for the next day. Most importantly, plan (in writing) how and when you will finish your unfinished tasks. 

The closing routine is the perfect time to create a to-do list for the next day(s). It’s also the time to look at what you already have on the schedule and ensure that your list can realistically fit into your agenda. Review your inbox and catch up on any unanswered emails or identify those that will need your attention tomorrow. Get organized so that you can fully leave your office, WFH desk, or coworking space, confident that things will be taken care of in the morning.

Remember, time management is a skill that can be developed and personalized one day at a time.  Being firm but flexible is key. If you are truly interested in making it work, and can commit to consistency, you will start seeing results very soon that will last a lifetime.

ACE Coworking members, Rosana Fernandez and MV Anzola, are the co-founders of The FlipSide Plan. They are credentialed professional coaches known for designing, managing and delivering top-notch corporate wellness workshops and programs on health and productivity. Follow ACE Coworking & The FlipSide Plan on social media to stay up-to-date on our regular co-hosted Lunch & Learn Workshops, which you are welcome to attend!


Oakville Small Business Owners: Best Resources

Oakville Small Business Owners: Best Resources

It’s Small Business Week: always a good time to reflect on how we operate as a local small biz in Oakville, how we can improve on delivering our service, and how we can help other companies deliver theirs…

Looking back to when we first opened our doors in January 2018, and reflecting on our journey since then, we feel incredibly fortunate to have had the support of many local organizations that have provided us with help, support, and encouragement. Really, we couldn’t have done it without drawing on the larger community of local entrepreneurs, and both the public and private organizations in Oakville whose aim it is to see small business succeed.

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely career path but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re running a small business, or thinking about jumping into the world of entrepreneurship, get to know these organizations and especially the committed people working in them. They are there to support the small business sector in our area and can be the difference between your business being a success or a failure.


If you’re lucky enough to be located in a “Business Improvement Area,” your BIA office is a must-get-to-know. BIAs work to collaborate, extend market reach, and connect their members to one another. There are three BIAs in Oakville – Downtown, Bronte and Kerr Village – and they’re all awesome.


The Halton SBC is a treasure trove of supports for entrepreneurs. They run many learning programs to increase your technical and strategic business skills. “You get what you pay for” is often true – but in this case it’s not. The programming at the Small Business Centre is both low-cost (or free) and excellent.


BDC offers various financing and funding options to small and medium-sized companies. They’re also a great source for strategic advice. We’ve had the chnace to partner with BDC to bring educational programs to our members, and they’ve always been a super informative resource.


Digital Main St. is a grant program offered by the province of Ontario to support small businesses to incorporate digital assets into their business operations. They also offer useful free webinars. This has been a fantastic resource for ACE as we have continued to digitize more and more of our operational and marketing functions, especially this past year.


Both MP Anita Anand, and MPP Stephen Crawford have been supportive of our efforts to start a new business here in Oakville (especially during the pandemic). We have found their offices to be very responsive to our requests. Your local members of parliament want to help you and see you succeed. Don’t avoid reaching out for help when you need it. And while you’re at it, get to know your local Municipal Councillors – ours have been amazing cheerleaders as well as go-to experts on many local issues that affect our business.


Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses is a membership-based organization that advocates for all independently-owned businesses in Canada. They are the voice of small business and work to influence government to understand our needs. They also have many resources you can tap to support your company.


Last but not least, this organization led by a superb team of dedicated professionals, helps hundreds of local small businesses owners connect, learn, grow, and succeed. There are membership fees to join, but with over 70 annual events to participate in, and an extraordinarily supportive culture, it’s well worth the investment. More about the Chamber here.

If you’d like to get more inspiration and education from the staff and partners of ACE Coworking, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You’ll also stay up to date on the events we run and the amazing promotions we often offer!

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

In this monthly series, Ask an Acer, we invite one of our talented members to share their expertise with you. February’s post comes to you from Amanda Lee, a skilled freelance journalist and copywriter.

When you have content to create (and don’t we all these days?) you might have a budget to hire a pro like Amanda, but very often we find ourselves facing that blank page on our own and we just don’t know where to start. In this post, Amanda explains three reasons why we might be experiencing writer’s block and gives her pro tips about how to beat it.


1) You’re not a writer 

Here’s something I learned through spending years writing everything from press releases to snappy tweets to feature stories: Writers are rarely born, they’re made. In his book, The Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell explores the 10,000 rule – the key to success in any field, including writing, is to practice.    

Solution: Start now    

If you feel compelled to write, that is all the reason – and permission – you need to put pen to paper to fingers to keyboard and share your thoughts and ideas with the rest of the world. Don’t be put off by thinking you have to put in thousands of hours of practice before sharing a blog post.  


2) You’re self-critical

Expecting words to flow onto the page like maple syrup on warm, fluffy blueberry pancakes is unrealistic. Sure, sometimes they do. Writers get into the zone and the words do flow. Other times it’s as frustrating as trying to squeeze the remaining ketchup out from the bottle. Author, Neil Gaiman said, “Perfection is like chasing the horizon.” Self-criticism is a sure path to writer’s block.  

Solution: The sh*tty first draft  

In her book, Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott makes the case for the sh*tty first draft. “All good writers write them,” she notes. I was first given this piece of advice by another (real life!) author I met years ago at a reading. Professional authors embrace the sh*tty first draft. As Lamott says, “This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts.”  So get some words down on the page – any words. You’ll improve on them in later drafts.


3) You have nothing to say

Chances are, you’re an expert in your field. You know things about the real estate industry, or branding, or creating a sales funnel that your clients don’t. You may think you have nothing to share, but you do. We all do. 

Solution: See writing as an act of generosity 

To quote Lamott again, “If you give freely, there will always be more. …This is what the writer has to offer.” Inspiration can hit in the shower or while walking your dog. Jot down any ideas you have for a blog post, an e-booklet, or to share on social media. Write about the things that interest you. Write about the things your clients want advice on. Share your knowledge and your unique perspective on the world generously. 


These tips should get you started on your own – but if you want to hire an awesome copywriter instead, then Amanda would be a great choice! Besides writing magazine pieces on topics such as travel, parenting, finance, arts, and culture, she has experience writing content for businesses in every sector imaginable. (This native Australian has also earned an MFA from The University of King’s College and is working on a narrative non-fiction book called Finding Opal.)

Check out Amanda’s writing samples here.

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Expert Hiring Tips You Need to Know!

Expert Hiring Tips You Need to Know!

In this monthly series, “Ask an Acer,” we invite some of our talented members to share their expertise with you. February’s post comes to you from HR expert, Craig Bissett, a long-time ACE Coworking member and president of Hire Results Ltd. He’s also the creator of the Hiring Assessment Web Enabled Tool which allows organizations to test-drive candidates before hiring them.

Craig has just published a book called My Worst Hire & What I Learned From It, in which he interviews 50 business leaders who relate their stories of hiring mistakes and the lessons they learned along the way. Here Craig shares with us a few vital nuggets from the book – tips that are sure to help you in your next hiring moment!

Beware of Compromises

When hiring at the management level, never ever compromise. If your #1 candidate turns down your offer, resist the temptation to hire your #2 candidate. Instead, you should go back to square one and search for the next #1 candidate. The cost of hiring second-best, if that person is not the right fit, will be multiplied throughout the team.

Culture is Key

If you have a company mission and culture/value statement, don’t leave it hanging on the wall. Rather, take it into the interview process. Assess the candidate based on what your company believes in. Keep in mind what you want to promote in terms of culture at your company, and make sure you address these topics in the interview. A candidate may have all the required skills for the role, but if they don’t fit your company values, you will end up with a major mistake on your hands.

Size Matters

Be extremely careful when hiring someone who is from a different sized operation. For example, if you are a small company and the candidate is coming from a large, well-financed firm, make sure that person is ready to roll up their sleeves and do the grunt work required for your growth plans. Whether they are transitioning from a large operation to a smaller one, or vice versa, it’s your job to ensure new hires know what they are getting into. 

If these tips have left you wanting to learn more about making a great hire, you can get more info about Craig Bissett’s book here: https://myworsthire.com or reach out to him directly on LinkedIn. He would love to hear from you! 

(Special launch pricing on the book lasts only until Feb 2, 2021)




4 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing

4 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing

Lucky you! We’ve asked some of our talented members to share their expertise with you each month. In this series of posts, you get to pick some super-smart brains. Our first contribution comes from Roger and Sarvy Van Maris, of Piece of Cake Digital Marketing and E-Commerce.

Image by Renata Pollock

It’s About “Click Through”

Remember this term. It’s the primary purpose of every good email campaign! You can’t sell or convert from an email. But what you can do with an effective email is entice your reader to “CLICK THROUGH” to your website for more information. That should be your #1 goal. Include just enough enticing content in your email to interest your reader to visit your site. There they can
find all the detail they desire, which will hopefully lead to a possible sale or conversion for you.

Focus on a Singular Message

Do you often receive emails with multiple offers, numerous information items, and/or a list of great articles? We do, and we cringe. All this variety only serves to confuse readers and lose potential conversions. The days of the rambling newsletter email are gone – your audience is trusting you to provide concise and valuable information and insights. Focus on a single specific purpose and call to action. You might highlight a product, a tip, a promotion, an article… but pick just ONE, not all. Besides making your message clearer, focusing on just one thing allows you to track your results very precisely. Bonus!

Keep it Short

It’s an act of generosity for a subscriber to give you their email, so don’t punish them with 1800 words to read! (Even 500 words may be too much.) Make the content easy for them to understand so that they quickly click through to your site. Connect – Recognize a Problem – Build Interest – Transfer Momentum. You can do this in 4 sentences!

Minimize Selling

Limit your sales-oriented emails. A sure way to reduce your email list is to constantly put “Awesome Promo!” or “Get it NOW!” in front of your subscribers. Alternate your sales messages with helpful content and interesting information. A solid ratio we recommend to our clients: for every 1 sales-related email, send 2 non-salesy emails. Remember your purpose is to drive readers to your website where you do the sales promoting anyway.

These tips will get you started, but if you want to learn more about how to optimize your Digital Marketing efforts, feel free to reach out to POC at info@pocdigitalmarketing.com or 905 257 8698. Set up a free 20-min consult on Zoom or meet them face-to-face at ACE Coworking.

No project is too large or small for Piece of Cake Digital Marketing, which has over two decades of internet experience. This dedicated team of professional online strategists, designers, programmers, SEO specialists and SEM marketers is extremely passionate about empowering their clients to prosper! pocdigitalmarketing.com