Earth Day Shout-out to Oakvillegreen
It’s Earth Day! Here’s what we are thinking about at ACE Coworking this week, and in fact throughout the year…

Do you know our friends at Oakvillegreen Conservation Group? This non-partisan environmental charity has been helping to protect and restore nature through community education and local action since 2000. We are so proud to have this organization in the “ACE family” – and seeing as it’s Earth Week, we are giving them a well-deserved shout-out.
What is Oakvillegreen?
Working closely with thousands of volunteers, this hard-working NFP organization strives to protect and restore the ecological functions of our local lands and waters. Through local, collaborative action they make a real difference in our community. Their approach is to empower all of us by providing tools, knowledge, and opportunities to create a greener hometown. In-class workshops, outdoor learning activities, partnerships with educators are a big part of the programming.
Speaking of programming, this weekend Oakvillegreen and a bunch of eager volunteers gathered at Buttonbush Woods Park for their Annual Park Clean Up event. This is just one example of the interactive eco-friendly events they organize for people of all ages. If you missed it, don’t worry! Just visit their event calendar for more impactful and enjoyable events to participate in.
Honourary ACE Coworking Membership
It’s because of this amazing work that they do, and because of how aligned our values are, that Oakvillegreen was selected as our free-of-charge Honourary ACE Member for 2022-2023. One of the founding principles of the coworking industry is sustainability & environmental responsibility, so we are a perfect fit for each other!
They hold their board meetings in our space free of charge, and we also support by promoting their initiatives to our members and beyond. We are super proud to be partners with them! (By the way, we will be selecting a new Honourary NFP Member for 2023-2024 in September, so if you know of a worthy organization have them get in touch with us for more information: info@acecoworking.ca)
How is coworking aligned with green initiatives?
Coworking in general allows people to work closer to home, thus eliminating long commutes. So hybrid and flex working is inherently more friendly to the environment. In addition, here are some things we do at ACE to make our space as green as possible every day:
- We encourage ACE members to walk or cycle to work, and many do!
- We do not allow single use plastics in our spaces, but rather provide reusable mugs, glassware, kitchenware, etc.
- Disposable plastic water bottles are never welcome at ACE.
- Members and staff turn off lights and appliances not in use.
- We upgraded all our lighting to greener LED fixtures.
- We partner with eco-conscious coffee and beverage providers.
- Recycle, recycle recycle… we ? our blue bins.
- We support Oakvillegreen!
It’s our aim to be a zero-waste coworking space, but we are always looking for ways to improve. If you have ideas for us, we would love to hear them. Email us at info@acecowortking.ca with your ideas or text 289-801-8731.
Happy Earth Day 2023!