4 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing
Lucky you! We’ve asked some of our talented members to share their expertise with you each month. In this series of posts, you get to pick some super-smart brains. Our first contribution comes from Roger and Sarvy Van Maris, of Piece of Cake Digital Marketing and E-Commerce.

Image by Renata Pollock
It’s About “Click Through”
Remember this term. It’s the primary purpose of every good email campaign! You can’t sell or convert from an email. But what you can do with an effective email is entice your reader to “CLICK THROUGH” to your website for more information. That should be your #1 goal. Include just enough enticing content in your email to interest your reader to visit your site. There they can
find all the detail they desire, which will hopefully lead to a possible sale or conversion for you.
Focus on a Singular Message
Do you often receive emails with multiple offers, numerous information items, and/or a list of great articles? We do, and we cringe. All this variety only serves to confuse readers and lose potential conversions. The days of the rambling newsletter email are gone – your audience is trusting you to provide concise and valuable information and insights. Focus on a single specific purpose and call to action. You might highlight a product, a tip, a promotion, an article… but pick just ONE, not all. Besides making your message clearer, focusing on just one thing allows you to track your results very precisely. Bonus!
Keep it Short
It’s an act of generosity for a subscriber to give you their email, so don’t punish them with 1800 words to read! (Even 500 words may be too much.) Make the content easy for them to understand so that they quickly click through to your site. Connect – Recognize a Problem – Build Interest – Transfer Momentum. You can do this in 4 sentences!
Minimize Selling
Limit your sales-oriented emails. A sure way to reduce your email list is to constantly put “Awesome Promo!” or “Get it NOW!” in front of your subscribers. Alternate your sales messages with helpful content and interesting information. A solid ratio we recommend to our clients: for every 1 sales-related email, send 2 non-salesy emails. Remember your purpose is to drive readers to your website where you do the sales promoting anyway.
These tips will get you started, but if you want to learn more about how to optimize your Digital Marketing efforts, feel free to reach out to POC at info@pocdigitalmarketing.com or 905 257 8698. Set up a free 20-min consult on Zoom or meet them face-to-face at ACE Coworking.
No project is too large or small for Piece of Cake Digital Marketing, which has over two decades of internet experience. This dedicated team of professional online strategists, designers, programmers, SEO specialists and SEM marketers is extremely passionate about empowering their clients to prosper! pocdigitalmarketing.com